
AI-Powered Business Opportunities

Featured image for episode 36 of Designing Growth showing guest Brett Malinowski and podcast host Sam Chlebowski.


Futurist and Artificial Intelligence Expert Brett Malinowski talks with host Sam Chlebowski about AI, entrepreneurship, ChatGPT and more. Brett explains the biggest opportunities that exist for business owners to use AI right now and tells the story of how we went from a disillusioned college student to the owner of a successful media company and future technology implementation agency.

Episode 36 Transcript:

[00:00:00] Brett Malinowski: I really do believe that it’s a race to become the most AI-optimized business in your field. What used to take a company 12 people can now take a company five people to do. If you didn’t know, Mid Journey, that company is only eight people total and they’re doing billions of dollars and used by everybody I know in the AI world.

[00:00:16] And so it really is like finding existing businesses that work right now and then just going through every single step of their process and finding different ways to integrate the AI into that company. That’s what we’re doing with a real estate friend of mine and we’ve already found a way to like lower his processing time and workforce by 25%, which is good for a lot of people cuz where we get to the conversation of AI taking a lot of jobs.

[00:00:38] But this is the reality of the world. And if you are not the one learning this skill, how to integrate this into companies. You’re next on the chopping block. I don’t mean it in a scary way, but it’s business and that’s how things are happening right now. AI can write emails better than us now. It can respond 24/7. AutoGPT can book my calendar, book my Zoom calls, book my podcast for me. Why would these companies not be doing that?

[00:01:02 – Designing Growth Intro Music Plays]

[00:01:11] Sam Chlebowski: Happy Thursday everybody. Sam Chlebowski here, co-founder of motion.io and host of this podcast. Very excited today to have Brett Malinowski joining us on the show. Brett is a 26-year-old futurist that covers new technologies and the opportunities that come from them, aspiring entrepreneurs build businesses of the future.

[00:01:31] So, Brett, let me ask you first, how you doing today?

[00:01:33] Brett Malinowski: I’m doing good. My day’s just starting, but it’s a beautiful day here in Arizona.

[00:01:37] Sam Chlebowski: Nice. You’re in Arizona? Not too far from me. I am out here in Denver. that’s like, what, an hour and a half plane ride?

[00:01:43] Brett Malinowski: up in Kansas City, so I’ve made plenty trips over there.

[00:01:46] Sam Chlebowski: Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah, my wife and I, two Christmases ago, flights were super, super expensive and. We had actually originally booked flights for each of us round trip it was like $1,800 to fly.

[00:01:59] The flights were [00:02:00] terrible too. It was like 24 hours to get from Denver to Pennsylvania where I grew up kind of out in the middle of nowhere had just gotten a Tesla and we’re like, well, gas is free. For us right now. Cause the supercharging of that time is still free. And we’re like, why don’t we just drive, and we did it.

[00:02:14] And that drive across Kansas. Holy cow. That takes a long time.

[00:02:19] Brett Malinowski: It’s so boring. There’s literally nothing to look at. It’s just flat.

[00:02:24] Sam Chlebowski: Yeah. And it takes about five hours longer than you think it would.

[00:02:28] Brett Malinowski: Oh yeah. Like don’t realize how big the country is, so you drive across that whole state and it’s like 10 hours.

[00:02:32] Sam Chlebowski: oh yeah. So Brett, I came across you on YouTube, and we were just talking about this a little bit before I hit the record button here. but a lot of what you cover, and I believe what you are doing now at W G M I media. Is, you know, you were covering ai, you were covering all of the crazy things that are happening there.

[00:02:52] Uh, and I was really excited to have you on as a guest here today to talk about some of this stuff because, with ai, I feel like. We have had this rate of acceleration, not only in the last year, but within just like the last three months where things are just going not so right now. So if you could start off by telling me just like what got you into artificial intelligence and all of the things that are happening right now in the first place.

[00:03:20] Brett Malinowski: Yeah, so I have to say I’m a trend hopper. I mean, AI is like nothing new, but when ChatGPT came around — I’ve been following Sam Altman for like years cuz he was like the head of Y Combinator just studying entrepreneurship from him — And then when I saw him tweet that ChatGPT came out and it was just mind blowing. I tried it that first day and before that I was covering more web three. So, I’ve already been in this more so like modern. New technologies sector and I saw a ton of overlap with the web three audience with ai, and it just makes sense to cover because I have a media company, there’s a lot of popularity, there’s overlap, and AI is going to be literally everywhere, like every single human being that has any sort of technology can benefit from it.

[00:03:59] And so it just [00:04:00] made sense. It’s just interesting to see cuz there has been like past hype waves with AI. I remember being in college in 2018 and it was like all the rave, every headline was ai, but there was no product. And so now there’s actually active products that every human can use. It just seems like the right time to be covering this.

[00:04:17] Sam Chlebowski: Yeah, and it was insane to see the rate of adoption that ChatGPT had and they’ve been working on that what, for five, six years

[00:04:25] maybe?

[00:04:26] Brett Malinowski: And their GPT3 model has been around for like over a year and a half. So like people could have relatively made their own, but since they made it such a simple product for anybody to use, it’s just like, what? What do they get? A hundred million users in the first month, which is like the fastest growing app ever.

[00:04:38] So yeah, it’s kind of impossible to grasp how fast things are moving, but it’s time to

[00:04:43] Sam Chlebowski: Yeah. So with the web three stuff and. When I think about Web three, like the first thing that comes to mind is immediately crypto, and then right after that is like NFTs. How would you think about, NFTs and then ai, out of those three, what do you think has the most staying power?

[00:05:02] Brett Malinowski: Yeah, so I’m much more, a believer of the NFT side cuz it’s just digital ownership. People, when they think of Web three, I think they ask someone what it is and they get a bad, they get a bad definition, but it’s just a digital ownership layer. Just you own things on the internet.

[00:05:17] That’s what NFTs allow. And those NFTs are interoperable, meaning they can communicate on any website that you’re on. And so AI has been expediting the need for NFTs in the sense that. AI create, can create any image of anything and you can’t trust anything anymore. So like how do you know if this is a deep faked image of a celebrity saying something?

[00:05:34] Or how do you know if this is actually the real celebrity doing something? That’s not gonna be possible without blockchain technology. And we’re seeing that with Twitter right now. Twitter is like going really heavy on proving that you are a human on Twitter. Like that’s why their new verification system is paid, so they can tie your name to your credit card to make sure that you actually are a real person.

[00:05:53] And so the way that you could do that at scale, Is only through blockchain and NFTs. Sam Altman has [00:06:00] another company called World ID or World Coin that is doing that exact same thing, digital IDs that are NFTs on a blockchain to prove that you’re human. it’s human made content on the internet.

[00:06:10] So I think they’re both gonna be used by every single person in the world, and they’re both monumental.

[00:06:14] Sam Chlebowski: That is a fascinating point that I’ve actually never read or heard anybody describe, much less describe it so eloquently that the need. For NFTs can be driven by AI technology because I immediately think oh yeah, if you are generating an image using ai, using something like Mid Journey, right?

[00:06:34] How do you prove that it was you if you are a graphic designer, how do you prove that you created something versus the ai create it. Because how does the ownership of that even work? Like if I am creating something with an AI program, does. Part of the ownership go back to the AI program.

[00:06:51] Brett Malinowski: Right now these AI companies are just Public domain or free use, that’s what they’re going after. So they’re just training all of the AI on everything in the public cuz they think it’s a greater good for society. And so they’re kind of just looking past the legality and it is kind of impossible to prove.

[00:07:07] And I know Stable Diffusion, you do have the option as an artist to opt out of their training if you don’t want your art included in there. You can just specifically go in and opt out. But that onus is on you. They’re gonna do it if they can. Until you specifically say no. but I know they are in a huge legal battle with, uh, like stock footage companies like, uh, Shutterstock, I believe, or I don’t know which one it is, but they’re facing that problem right now.

[00:07:28] I think most people are gonna get over that. I think that’s gonna have to change the IP rights, but anybody can use the tool and then benefit from the output. I think.

[00:07:35] Sam Chlebowski: Interesting. Interesting. I mean, it presents a bunch of legal challenges our own government here in the United States I think is really struggling with it, but it’s like AI is improving far faster than anybody could try and pass a bill. I’ve seen suggesting should have an AI project approval process that mimics the FDA — where if you have a new drug that you develop, you have to go through FDA approval. Something like that for ai. But if we want that, that is years away. I don’t want that personally, but it’s years away anyways..

[00:08:06] Brett Malinowski: You just have to think like, it’s not an easy concept to grasp. It’s not an easy concept to like double check. You would need like a reporting or regulating body that’s equally as intelligent as the people creating that ai. And these people are like the smartest people in the world. So I don’t see that slowing us down anytime soon, which is scary, but also, Like a free market is what we’re based in America.

[00:08:26] So I don’t know what’s, there’s so much uncertainty.

[00:08:28] Sam Chlebowski: these are also the people that can’t even figure out what TikTok is Do you think they’re gonna figure out what AI is?

[00:08:33] Brett Malinowski: That’s a whole problem in and of itself.

[00:08:35] Sam Chlebowski: one of the things that has made news, the last couple weeks or so, Is auto G P T. Could you talk about that a little bit and kind of the opportunity that you see there, and just generally like what AutoGPT is for our listeners.

[00:08:50] Brett Malinowski: Yeah, so it’s pretty much in the name. They’re just like automated agents as they say, that can basically complete tasks and prompt themselves. So, ChatGPT, you have to prompt it, meaning you have to ask it questions and ask it follow up questions, or if you wanted to, to do any actions, all it can output is words.

[00:09:05] Where this is like a ChatGPT C that you can install into your computer console, which can then prompt itself and actually take actions within your computer. So if you say, Hey, locate me a file, it can go through and find a file, and then you can say, Hey, locate me these files, upload these to the internet, and get me a date.

[00:09:22] This weekend, a dinner reservation. It can do all of that automatically without having to prompt each individual step. You can give it an action and it’ll automatically take those actions by prompting itself, which is really interesting.

[00:09:35] Sam Chlebowski: And this type of automation, Brett and I were talking a little bit about this on the call we’re thinking of some of the things we could do here at Motion.io. Where if there’s a Motion agent, you could say, Hey, build me a workflow for my process of, designing websites for people.

[00:09:50] Build this workflow that sends a onboarding form. Here’s the of information I need, here’s what the follow up emails look like, and kind of automate that process from end to end. Now we’re a little [00:10:00] ways off from anything like that, but interesting to kind of conceptualize some of these opportunities with the.

[00:10:05] Sort of broader AI spectrum, and I know this is something that you talk a lot about in your content. what do you think are some of the big business opportunities for people right now to use the AI programs that are available?

[00:10:17] Brett Malinowski: Yeah, so initially I thought the biggest thing people could, should be doing was like creating like a specific niche use case. Because this API was brand new it is so powerful. The opening eye just literally spent billion dollars to make this model and they just gave it away for free. You can use their API and you can plug it in to any business.

[00:10:36] So I was telling people to like find like a specific niche use case, make like a public facing website and then sell that. But now I really do believe that it’s. A race to become the most AI optimized business in your field. What used to take a company, 12 people can now take a company, five people to do if you didn’t know Mid Journey, that company is only eight people total and they’re doing billions of dollars and used by everybody I know in the AI world.

[00:10:59] And so it really is like finding existing businesses that work right now. And the biggest markets and then just going through every single step of their process and finding different ways to automatically integrate the AI into that company. That’s what we’re doing with a real estate friend of mine and we’ve already found a way to like lower his processing time and workforce by 25%, which is good for a lot of people cuz that where we get to the conversation is taking a lot of jobs.

[00:11:24] But this is the reality of the world. And if you are not the one like learning this skill, how to integrate this into companies. You’re next on the chopping block. it’s all like sunshine and fairy tales to some people out there, but this is the real world. People are not gonna just keep employing you because they want to give you a hug. That was really aggressive. I don’t mean it in a scary way, but like it’s business and that’s how things are happening right now. AI can write emails. We can write better than us now. It can respond 24/7. AutoGPT can book my calendar, book my Zoom calls, book my podcast for me. why would these companies not be doing that?

[00:11:59] I have a [00:12:00] friend that just lost their copywriting job at a company of over 500 people cuz they laid off 85% of their writing team and kept 15% because the 85% replaced by ChatGPT 15% is gonna be just people to revise what came out of that. Our company, we are able to like upload. Way more articles, way more newsletters, and sort so much more information.

[00:12:20] Because of the system that we have, we can find one tweet and that’s gonna go through a process of tweet to a notion page, to a summary to an output to be reviewed by our editor, and one click when any of us can sort that. And all he has to do is just tweak the output. When before that, he would’ve to read through everything, then he’d have to rewrite it in his own words.

[00:12:40] That took a two hour long process by himself down to 10 minutes.

[00:12:43] Sam Chlebowski: It’s a harsh reality, but It’s where we are going. And I think you gave a really good anecdote there too, talking about the layoffs and the reduction of workforces. There’s all of these things happening right now really kind of. coinciding with the development of AI and you’ve seen it the past couple months. All of these tech companies are cutting their workforces, and there’s definitely a move, specifically in tech, to going back to that leaner style

[00:13:09] of so many of these companies, quite honestly. Were born out of They all got their start with just a couple

[00:13:16] of people. And

[00:13:18] then somewhere along the way started to build their MVPs and their products with a team of 50 that they were once able to do with a team of, three to five people.

[00:13:28] Brett Malinowski: Look at Twitter. Elon just laid off 80% of their staff and they’re working just fine. There’s two things I wanna touch on here. I think we’re going into this era where it’s cool to have as little employees as possible, but two, I think the optimistic side of this is that it frees up all of this time of doing like laborious, boring work that was repetitive for people.

[00:13:45] Where now everyone has much more time to be creative and focus on doing work that is actually interesting or inspiring to them. And on top of this, yes, it’s gonna cut a lot of jobs, but those jobs really weren’t necessary. And so I think we’re gonna start trending into a lot of people being solopreneurs [00:14:00] or self-employed entrepreneurs that focus on one specific skill or service that’s just higher leverage now with ai.

[00:14:06] Sam Chlebowski: It’s a fantastic point around solopreneurs and entrepreneurship cuz that is something too, even with this business that I have seen that space just take off because information is so much more accessible. To a wider range of people. And it’s been democratized in a really big way I think.

[00:14:29] Brett Malinowski: It’s a new skill. Yeah. How do you prompt something to the best outcome possible, much more efficiently?

[00:14:35] I don’t think AI is going to replace like everybody’s job. There’s like two theories here. One is that like, now AI can just make everyone much more efficient, so then the hourly rate goes higher. we don’t pay lawyers $2,000 an hour right now because it is such a difficult job. It’s just because they spent so much time building an expertise that they can do it much more quickly.

[00:14:55] And so the value that you receive. Is on average around $2,000 an hour, when really has nothing to do with the time that they’re doing. It’s just that’s what you need done. There’s only a few people that can do this actual like task for you. And so we hire lawyers and so maybe with AI it goes $2,000 every 10 minutes, that value doesn’t change.

[00:15:13] It still needs to be done. I don’t see any jobs like that being taken for a long time. And then when it comes to like. obviously Anything in the physical world is not gonna be touched like any, any actual like task and tell robotics, get there. But I don’t know. I just ultimately think it’s like a new skill, kind of like SEO is what I always compare it.

[00:15:30] to 20, 25 years ago when Google was becoming well known, there was no such thing as search engine optimization before that. And then all of a sudden now there’s agencies that literally make millions of dollars every single year doing SEO for big companies so they can rank number one on certain keywords.

[00:15:45] And so now that’s just. Prompt engineering, but for every single AI tool, you can get two completely different answers from ChatGPT just by the expertise you have in the specific industry. there’s a lot of advanced words and a lot of different like questions or contexts you have if you’re like, 10,000 hours deep in one [00:16:00] specific industry like marketing, you’d be able to ask gimme the best email drip campaign to retarget a customer who, added to cart but didn’t purchase.

[00:16:07] if you’re a new and you don’t know anything about marketing, you’re gonna be like, write me an email for someone who didn’t buy you’re gonna get way different outputs. And so the expertise in that is gonna make you a better prompt engineer. And that’s gonna be valuable to companies.

[00:16:19] Sam Chlebowski: the prompting skill itself becomes what is most valuable. And that’s something I even heard too with software development it’s not right now, but it is shortly down the future where the person who can prompt. AI to spit them out. A software program is gonna be more valuable, in some ways than the person who can build it from scratch.

[00:16:39] Now that said, I think that there’s always gonna be a place for, people who are figuring out bugs that happens within that auto-generated program. But it’s wild to think about. I saw DHH, who is the founder of Basecamp, and then Hey wrote this really interesting piece on building kerosene lamps on the eve of the light bulb, basically saying that We’re building kerosene lamps right now because that’s what we’re using. We are developing software from scratch because there’s still gonna be a need for that.

[00:17:10] But the light bulb is coming and that’s right down the road. So how do we think about the future while still continuing to work on what we’re doing today? And I thought it was a really interesting way to put that

[00:17:20] Brett Malinowski: I mean that’s exactly how I view like what we do. Cuz we have an NFT agency, we help some big brands integrate NFTs in their business. And same with ai. It’s like there are benefits to it right now, but on the NFT side especially. It is not relevant until there’s some sort of like critical mass.

[00:17:36] Where everyone now uses this new standard, and so it’s like still provide the core products that you service, but be prepared to deliver in a new way, which is gonna be an NFT. And so it’s just like, kind of like an educational phase. Make sure everyone’s aware this is the kind of the benefits, this is where things go

[00:17:53] so be prepared. We’re gonna have those ready. But keep doing business as usual, so many people hate change, like [00:18:00] humans resist change and they will tie something to their identity. They’ll say, Bitcoin’s a scam. They’ll say, blockchain’s a scam when there just hasn’t been like a strong use case yet.

[00:18:08] The technology is super powerful, it just hasn’t been shown to the world yet. And so just be open-minded and you’ll be in the right side of history.

[00:18:15] Sam Chlebowski: looking at your background a little bit, I was, you know, quite honestly just snooping around your LinkedIn, it seems like you got outta college and you went right into entrepreneurship. I see that you had founded a marketing company, uh, another company called Popin and now W G M I Media.

[00:18:32] Can you tell me a little bit about what that journey was like and this kind of path that you’ve went down?

[00:18:38] Brett Malinowski: Yeah.

[00:18:38] so I had a horrible college experience. Not in the sense that it was bad. It was just, I love to learn, and I was like really excited to like become successful. And I was in college and these people were telling me I’m supposed to go to school. get a job. And that’s gonna be success for you.

[00:18:50] But then I’m looking around at what they’re teaching in here and I took marketing classes and they’re teaching me how to run newspaper ads It, it was so embarrassing. This is like in the prime of Facebook ads that I’m watching all these YouTubers using drop shipping, making millions of dollars, and I go to my marketing class and they’re teaching me how to do stuff on the radio.

[00:19:06] Like I don’t even listen to the radio, like I’m on Apple Music what’s going on here? So I’m looking around, I’m like, this can’t be right. And so, Basically I just took the initiative myself. I’m not just gonna drop out and blindly shoot, but I started making videos cause I had that skill from high school and started making videos for clients downtown.

[00:19:22] So every day or every weekend, I would drive 45 minutes downtown Kansas City to shoot like these weddings or music videos or whatever it could be. So I started my own video agency and by the time I was graduating, cause when I was like sophomore year, junior year, by the time I graduated, I was making way more than I would make.

[00:19:39] from my degree, which was data analytics. So I graduated, but I, with a data analytics degree, but went all in on video and then quickly within my first year of video, I realized People were taking my videos and using them as ads for their products or whatever, and they were converting really well.

[00:19:53] One of my clients was nice enough to show me how good the ad was doing compared to its other ads. I was like, oh, that’s really powerful. If I [00:20:00] learned that skill, then I compare ’em when I could make more money. So then my first year outta college, I started doing the marketing agency more, officially and started making like a good amount of money my first six figures in the first year.

[00:20:11] And then from that kind of transitioned into a full blown marketing agency where I did media buying. I could do the actual ad creative. Copy, I’d build your whole funnel. And then I kind of did like a six months of like sales for one of my clients cuz he liked the way that I did sales on him to close him.

[00:20:25] He let me practice sales with his company. So that was a really good experience for me. And then that just transitioned into becoming addicted to NFTs one day when I was procrastinating and I started trading and making a lot of money, making NFTs. And that kind of transitioned into a YouTube channel starting a project.

[00:20:41] Starting an agency education company. Then eventually the media company. So, WGMI, where we’re at now basically, was incepted as a web three media company where we’d cover web three, but a media company needs eyeballs and after the whole NFT boom, Nobody was looking at Web three. And so it kind of has transitioned and pivoted into just future technologies, web three, ai, no Code, SaaS, whatever’s coming for like the next generation, those type of business opportunities.

[00:21:08] And then of course we have our agency where we help clients with their web three NFT strategies as well.

[00:21:12] Sam Chlebowski: what a journey, man, I wish that I would’ve heard some of these stories, when I was younger. And I got granted very lucky I studied advertising in college. I wanted to go work at a big advertising agency, applied everywhere, just flopped.

[00:21:27] I applied to this ad in Craigslist of all things, if you can imagine, that the company just took off and I kind of found myself in this startup SaaS space. but it’s weird how that like happened on a whim.

[00:21:38] Brett Malinowski: I mean I had the internet at all times. Like I was just glued to YouTube and I was just always seeing like this new make money online trend, whether it was drop shipping, whether it was a marketing agency. So I was constantly exposed to these ideas, but I had such bad shiny object syndrome that I would like jump from business model to business.

[00:21:52] It’s like I just kind of gave you like the year by year highlights. Within each year there was like six different efforts of different side hustles to try to figure it [00:22:00] out and eventually I just had the right skill, right time, right knowledge with NFTs and that really blew up my channel and then my business,

[00:22:06] Sam Chlebowski: how did you learn to become focused on one thing? Because I think that shiny object syndrome is something a lot of entrepreneurs are guilty of. How do you stay focused now?

[00:22:16] Brett Malinowski: So I think it was an age thing. I see it like the younger you are, the more quickly you want success. And so you think that if you don’t have success after three months, That it’s the business model and then as you mature, you start to realize like one what goes into every single venture.

[00:22:31] you need marketing, you need the product you need fulfillments. There’s just so much that just cannot be done well in three months. I think I did it so many times where I consistently would make $10,000, a hundred thousand dollars, but I kept getting capped at That range and I’d try something else. over time figured like it is so frustrating to have to go through, make a new llc, make a new product, new fulfillment, new manufacturers, new marketing, go shoot another video. I was like, why don’t I just stick with one and just keep growing on top of that one.

[00:23:02] So over time. It snowballs. Eventually I might not see a big money opportunity cause I’m not doing another launch, but I think over time you can start up new launches within this one company and just branch out. And so I just think it was over time just maturing as an entrepreneur. I have a lot of friends that are worth millions of dollars in their early twenties, and I see them, like on average in between their third to fifth year in business.

[00:23:24] Where they see that first seven-figure year because they’ve been building and it’s just been compounding

[00:23:29] Sam Chlebowski: It’s phenomenal advice and I think that the way that you describe kind of jumping from one thing to one thing and then realizing that, okay, at a certain point, if I just continue to. Put in that effort and continue to grow, even when I think that there’s this shiny object over there to the left or the right, that’s ultimately gonna be a bigger output for me than if I am jumping around and my time is split between all of these couple things.

[00:23:55] I really, really love how you put that.

[00:23:56] Brett Malinowski: there’s no best business model. the best business model is [00:24:00] different for everybody. It’s like, what is the best business for you everyone has unique advantages and knowledge and skills that will be way better in one specific business model.

[00:24:09] And so whatever that business model is, If you just spend three or four years in that one business, there’s no way you’re not doing seven figures a year in revenue. Obviously, you wanna be a little strategic about the leverage or what’s the size of the total market. But other than that, if you just do one thing for three or four years and you have clients along the way, like it’s gonna be very successful, just stick with that one thing and keep building it.

[00:24:30] Sam Chlebowski: Love it. So just a few final questions here and you know, thank you so much Brett, for all of your time, your expertise. This has been so cool talking to you. somebody who’s so up to date on the AI space. I’ve been following along, but not to the depth of which you are, you know, running your agency or media company.

[00:24:47] so three final questions. The first is, what are the most exciting projects that you see? Within AI right now?

[00:24:52] Brett Malinowski: So I love what Stable Diffusion is doing. that’s an easy one because they’re going this decentralized approach and with that, the business model that they’re like doing themselves, but enabling anyone to do. The biggest opportunity right now is taking Stable Diffusion’s like free models that are totally open source, and then going to companies, private companies with private data and then training them their own models for their own use case.

[00:25:15] That’s like opportunity number one by far. Another one I like to see is my friends do YouTube automation and I like have a video background and so it’s really cool to see that these people can now like make entire like storyline, like videos that are super high quality with great imagery. My friend does history he can get an AI voice recording of like Morgan Freeman or David Attenborough if he wanted.

[00:25:38] And then he can use Mid Journey and these other like image models to create images of history that don’t exist anywhere because we only have like a set amount of photos from the forties, but now he can use AI and it can look really real to help enhance his storytelling. So that’s another really cool one.

[00:25:52] It’s kind of been tied with the. Musicians, like the fake Kanye West voice, the fake Drake voice, music is just gonna get so good. So I love that. [00:26:00] And then another one, I’m obviously a nerd and so like, CRO or conversion rate optimization AI platforms that can now run split tests from your Facebook ads to your landing page, to everything.

[00:26:11] There’s AI CRO platforms that will literally do do split tests fully, automatically in the background. They’ll get like right when it’s statistically significant and change the headline, change the body of the description on your website seamlessly, and you can get like eight split tests done in a day.

[00:26:27] Sam Chlebowski: No way. I run our marketing here at motion io. I had not heard of that. So we’d paused all of our paid advertising, for a little bit while, Long story short. We did a pivot with the product and we kind of scaled back some stuff for a time, but we’re right about to relaunch, and start up all of our paid advertising again.

[00:26:44] And holy cow, like, I gotta use this because I had no, I seriously had no idea.

[00:26:48] Brett Malinowski: Yeah, it’s Abtesting.ai is one of them. And then, uh the other one starts with e. Oh, I forgot. I think it’s like evolve or something like that. but it’s just really cool cuz that was like my favorite thing about marketing is that you can just like make one small tweak and it could improve your conversion rate 5%, even though it makes no sense.

[00:27:05] But now AI can just do all that for you and just wake up and your website’s a completely different color, completely different formatting. It’s like, this is fantastic.

[00:27:12] Sam Chlebowski: Oh my gosh, man, that’s amazing. We will put links to all of those things in, the show notes along with my second to last question. If people wanna know more about what you are doing, see your content, where should they go to find you?

[00:27:23] Brett Malinowski: Yeah, my handle is at the Brett way on most social media or my name, Brett Malinowski.

[00:27:28] Sam Chlebowski: Awesome. And for our final question, when you are not working, what do you like to do? How do you like to spend your time?

[00:27:34] Brett Malinowski: I’m a huge eSports nerd. I love counterstrike, which is why I probably like NFT so much, cuz you could like own those skins in the game. But yeah, I love watching competitive counterstrike. I’ll go to all the, like in-person tournaments. I play with my friends on, on my free time. I played competitive in high school, so that passion is, Transferred. I think that’s my ultimate goal, is to buy like a Counterstrike team or

[00:27:56] Sam Chlebowski: Oh, that’s awesome. By a counterstrike, team. Don’t [00:28:00] go, uh, public like phase did though. Holy cow, man.

[00:28:03] Brett Malinowski: Oh yeah, dude, they’re like, people like watched growing up. Like I was really into that whole scene when they were like trick shoting and everything. And now it’s like, I don’t know, it got really corporate. But yeah, I would love to buy a Counterstrike team and just care like way too much.

[00:28:15] Like be at the events, my team wins, like take my shirt off, like get fired up and stuff. I, that’d just be so fun to just like throw myself into.

[00:28:21] Sam Chlebowski: don’t play counterstrike, but, well, I haven’t played in a couple months now. I used to play a lot of video games before my son was born. specifically age of Empires, if you can believe. That is like my game. Age of Empires two, and then the fourth one came out.

[00:28:35] Brett Malinowski: Those games are great. you just like are constantly progressing.

[00:28:37] Sam Chlebowski: It feels like chess on crack.

[00:28:40] Brett Malinowski: Yeah, exactly.

[00:28:41] Sam Chlebowski: And hopefully I get to play again someday soon. But thank you so much, Brett, for your time. This has been an absolutely awesome conversation.

[00:28:48] Just like so fascinating to learn from you, hear about what you’re doing and yeah, couldn’t thank you enough and, hope all is going well with the business and excited to see what you have, you know, coming out down the road.

[00:28:59] Brett Malinowski: Likewise, my friend. Thanks for having me. This was a great chat.

[00:29:02] Sam Chlebowski: Take care everybody. My name is Sam Chlebowski, host of the Designing Growth Podcast and co-founder of motion.io. If you like this episode, go ahead and leave us a five-star review on Apple or Spotify. It’d mean the world to us and get this podcast out to even more people. Until next time, everybody have fun, good luck and go crush it.

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