Gather clear feedback
& approval on videos, images, and PDFs
Using Motion.io, clients can review, annotate, and approve files you send in white-labeled client portals customized to your business and brand.

Client feedback and approval without back & forth emails.

Automatically remind clients
Get the file feedback and approvals your team needs the first time you ask for it with automated reminder emails.
Easy-to-use file annotations
Create feedback requests that allow clients to pin comments directly on images, videos, and PDFs you upload.
Replace meetings and phone calls
Gather clear and actionable feedback that doesn’t require additional clarification or follow-up conversations.

Streamline client feedback & approval


Gather client feedback and approvals on website mockups, brand guides, logo files and more.

Have clients annotate and approve PDF files like project roadmaps, scope of work agreements, and proposals.

Request client approval and gather timestamped feedback on video files for digital ads, YouTube videos, and social posts.

Audio Files

Collect feedback and approval on audio files such as advertisements, podcast recordings, and more. 

The project management platform built for client work

Everything you need to manage client projects in one place. No bells and whistles; just the tools you need to complete client projects faster.