
Manage both sides of your client projects in a single platform

Stop using separate tools to communicate with clients and manage projects internally. With Motion.io’s Internal Tasks, you and your team can create private sub-tasks, share files, and send messages that remain hidden from clients in their Motion.io Portals.

A refreshingly simple project management platform

Ensure a seamless handoff process

Build workflows that automatically assign tasks to your team members as projects progress and notify them when dependent tasks are complete.

Identify roadblocks & eliminate bottlenecks

Get clear visibility into the status of Internal Tasks for which team members are responsible. Easily surface dependencies and discussion threads related to tasks. 

Efficient & Effective Team Collaboration

Create private discussion threads on Internal Tasks to loop in other team members. Share files related to Internal Tasks only your team members can access.

Maximize productivity & complete projects faster

Make it faster and easier for you and your team to track, manage, and complete projects with a single platform that provides all the tools needed for client-facing and internal collaboration.

Private Subtasks
Keep clients in the loop without showing them how the sausage is made. Create and assign private subtasks associated with Internal Tasks only you and your team members can access.
Team-Only File Attachments

Attach files to Internal Tasks that remain hidden from clients but are easily accessible by team members to share important context or associated deliverables.

Private Discussion Threads
Use Private Discussion Threads to loop in other team members, clarify details, or provide new information about an Internal Task. Messages you exchange are hidden from clients but easily accessible to your team.
Simple Task Management

Motion.io’s “My Tasks” view gives you and your team members access to all your assigned tasks across projects in a single dashboard, making tracking, collaborating, and completing Internal Tasks simple.

Internal Project Notes
Create private notes associated with projects only you and your team members can access. Use project notes to share important details, take notes about live conversations, and document standard operating procedures.

The project management platform built for client work

Everything you need to manage client projects in one place. No bells and whistles; just the tools you need to complete client projects faster.